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What's included in our cleaning?

Bedroom, Living Room & Common Areas

Dust all accessible surfaces

Wipe down all mirrors and glass fixtures

Clean all floor surfaces

Take out garbage and recycling


Wash and sanitize the toilet, shower, tub, and sink

Dust all accessible surfaces

Wipe down all mirrors and glass fixtures

Clean all floor surfaces

Take out garbage and recycling


Dust all accessible surfaces

Empty sink and load up dishwasher with dirty dishes

Wipe down exterior of stove, oven and fridge

Clean all floor surfaces

Take out garbage and recycling

Extras ( upon request )

For a deeper clean, consider adding one or more cleaning extras. Most cleaning extras add one half hour of time and cost to your booking.

Inside cabinets

Inside fridge

Inside oven

Laundry wash & dry

Interior windows

The following services are not currently offered:

Exterior window cleaning

Deep stain removal


Mold removal 

Insect removal

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